Al’s Fantastical Adventures

Al has been a performing guitarist for decades, however his primary focus since 2018 has been completely on the magic of the Acoustic Guitar.

Leaning on a handful of his musical influences like Al Di Meola, Jesse Cook, John McLaughlin, Vicente Amigo and several film composers like Nicholas Hooper, Paolo Buonvino and Alexandre Desplat, Al set off to blend all of these elements to create a listening experience like no other.

Focused exclusively on composing, recording and performing with his band ‘The Alchemy’, the focus for 2025 is releasing a handful of new songs and performing live nationally and internationally.

“What is constant throughout is Nesbitt’s enthralling guitar playing, characterized by powerful bursts of notes, lush extended chord voicings, mesmeric exotic-scale runs and a distinctive and captivating melodic sensibility. 

This is music that is playful and precise, seductive and explorative. With each song, Nesbitt crafts mini orchestral-pop masterpieces that manage to sound fully contemporary and also unconnected to any particular place or time. Like the acoustic guitar masters before him, Al Nesbitt creates instrumental music without bounds”. 

Guitar World Online - April 16th, 2024